Saturday, July 15, 2017

Where are they in NA? "Yes, I'm the 'Business Candidate,' and Yes, I'm a Progressive."

This is somewhat the point I've been trying to make since local time began, though of course I'm no longer a business owner.

But Sara Nelson owns a brewery, and this makes me happy, even if I'm aware that not all brewery owners were Sandinista brigadistas.

Hmm. Maybe Seattle is different from New Albany?

Guest Editorial: Yes, I'm the "Business Candidate," and Yes, I'm a Progressive, by Sara Nelson (The Stranger)

Hi, everyone. My name is Sara Nelson, I’m running for City Council, and I’m the business candidate.

How did I — a former Sandinista brigadista who met her husband at the WTO protests — become the “business candidate?" Well, besides the fact that The Stranger and Seattle Times both agree on the label — a sure sign the stars are aligning — it’s really not a surprise. I do co-own a small business. My company, Fremont Brewing, has grown from three full-time employees to 55. I’m proud of that.

I’m also pretty vocal that I think our local small businesses need a seat at the table in politics. With more than 60 percent of King County’s private-sector workers employed by small businesses, they’re incredibly important to growing our economy, tackling affordability, and ensuring we don’t turn into Bellevue. I’m absolutely willing to be the candidate of progressive small business ...

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