Sunday, July 16, 2017

Russell Brand's podcast Under the Skin with guest Yanis Varoufakis: "How To Construct A Global Revolution."

I highly recommend taking 80 minutes out of your day and listening to this podcast.

Russell Brand is intelligent, entertaining and a solid interviewer.

Yanis Varoufakis makes as much sense as anyone currently commenting on the world situation.

To repeat: Highly recommended.
Under the Skin with Russell Brand

My new podcast 'Under The Skin' asks: what's beneath the surface - of people we admire, of the ideas that define our time, of the history we are told. Speaking with guests from the world of academia, popular culture and the arts, they'll help us to see the ulterior truth behind our constructed reality. And have a laugh.

You can also listen to it here:

#015 Yanis Varoufakis - How To Construct A Global Revolution

In a fascinating interview I discuss with Yanis what happens when you take on the political, financial and media elite, and how radical reform can occur. Through accounts of his confrontations with the IMF, European institutions and the German government we examine where true power lies and how it is wielded.

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