Sunday, June 18, 2017

Three classic Mandy Patinkin performances for your soul.

I'm not a Mandy Patinkin fanatic. I own none of his album releases, and haven't ever seen him perform live. He's an actor, too, and I can't recall seeing a movie or television show in which he appeared, though it's never a good idea for me to rule out being too drunk to remember, at least back in both of our salad days.

But I do know that Patinkin singing is like Ted Williams batting. When I'm feeling low, these songs lift me up. He may have equals, but no betters.

"Younger Than Springtime" is from the 1986 "remake of South Pacific), which was universally panned ... except for Patinkin's Lt. Cable.

"Over the Rainbow," from the infamous Letterman episode that Cher missed.

Another Letterman cameo: "Brother, Can you Spare a Dime?"

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