Sunday, June 11, 2017

Al Knable is set to dance for Hosparus, so consider donating to this very worthy cause.

It's been just shy of three months for me. As with Al, we were involved with Hosparus during my mother's final weeks; accordingly, his words carry considerable weight in our household. I've made a donation toward seeing him dance, and urge you to do the same.


HOSPARUS- Dancing with the Stars!

Today marks one month since the passing of my mom. A Hosparus volunteer was of such great help to her and my family during the most trying of times that I will always feel gratitude beyond expression to this organization and those who staff it and carry out its mission.

Believing that actions speak louder than words, I jumped at the chance to help Hosparus out when asked.

I've accepted their challenge to dance at their main fund raising event this September 12- committing myself to fundraising- and dance lessons!- along the way.

I'll be periodically posting my progress and invite you to post some fun dance videos as well.
Of course, donations in support of the cause will be readily accepted at the Hosparus DWTS site below:

Thanks and welcome aboard!

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