Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Impossible in New Gahania: "Jeffersonville seeks public input for arts district."

To this very day, Team Gahan insists that one simply cannot paint crosswalks, and yet the 2015 photo accompanying this article clearly shows volunteers in Jeffersonville ... painting a crosswalk.

But how could it be, Dugout?

It's savvy on the part of Mike Moore to realize that not EVERY act of civic engagement must (a) bear his personal stamp, and (b) be capable of monetization into campaign finance.

Not only that, but "input from the community" is guaranteed to rankle New Gahania's pale (though enriched) bunker dwellers.

You can imagine the likes of Bob Caesar recoiling in terror from those words, as though he were a vampire and you were wearing a fashionable (and utilitarian) garlic necklace.

I've never seen him eating Hungarian food, either.

A COLORFUL FUTURE: Jeffersonville seeks public input for arts district, by Aprile Rickert (They Might Be Hansons)

JEFFERSONVILLE — As Jeffersonville nears the start of its first major projects in the arts and cultural district, the City seeks input from the community to help shape its future.

The first of three community gatherings, hosted by the city of Jeffersonville, the Jeffersonville Public Art Commission, and Redevelopment Commission, will be held Thursday, June 1, from 6 to 7 p.m. at 628 Michigan Ave., to help provide information on and gather feedback on the district.

A 20-minute presentation, including identifying what the arts and cultural district is and what it could be, research-based benefits and recommendations from other similar communities and renderings of potential space usage will be followed by time for discussion and input.

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