Tuesday, March 14, 2017

THE BEER BEAT: Airline pricing for movie theater drinks, although we've little idea which ones.

If I were an editor at Business First -- well, that's unlikely, given that business-oriented publications contain far too many numbers for a humanities major like me, and anyway, it's my habit to refrain from fetishizing grubby capitalists -- I'd ask the contributing writer why some of the following beers are tagged by brand name, but the wines are identified by style.

What's on tap at Baxter Avenue Theatres' new bar, by Marty Finley (Louisville Business First)

... The bar has been in the works for months and carries several domestic and imported beer selections on tap — priced between $7 and $9 — alongside red and white wine selections for $10, according to Apex.

The theater's beer selection includes Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller Lite, Rolling Rock, Cumberland Brew, Dos Equis, BBC Pale Ale and Rhinegeist. Wine selections include merlot, pinot noir, cabernet sauvignon, white zinfandel, chardonnay and moscato.

Maybe the printing on the mass-market wine box was too small, or the press release incomplete.

Furthermore: Miller Lite is a specific beer brand, but Rhinegeist and Cumberland Brew (forgot an "s" there) are not. Which beers from these two breweries are they?

Then there's the reference to BBC Pale Ale. To my knowledge, BBC (currently down a brewery since the St. Matthews location closed earlier this year) isn't packaging at present. Is this draft, and if so, might it be BBC American Pale Ale (APA), which has been the name since the mid-1990s?

To summarize, seeing as I attend movies in theaters like this about as often as I read business-oriented publications ...

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