Monday, February 13, 2017

Today's New Albany Housing Authority meeting has been cancelled, so Jeff Gahan's undemocratic Anschluss will have to wait until just before the Ides of March.

The Green Mouse has received word that this afternoon's New Albany Housing Authority (NAHA) Board of Commissioners meeting has been cancelled. The next scheduled meeting will come on March 13, same time and place.

Of course, this is of significance because the newly sycophant-packed board is slated to function as NAHA death panel.

So-called "Democrat" Jeff Gahan's "Memorandum of Understanding" details his hostile takeover of the New Albany Housing Authority, and the land grab to follow.

Four things you should know about Jeff "Dead Inside" Gahan's public housing hostile takeover and land grab.

ON THE AVENUES: A luxury-obsessed Jeff Gahan has packed a board and now seeks to break the New Albany Housing Authority. Can we impeach him yet?

I'll be there on the 13th of March. That's pretty close to the Ides of March, isn't it?

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