Tuesday, February 28, 2017

ASK THE BORED: They're busy panicking after the Great Break Wind Fire, so we celebrate the guy who first patented a self-propelled street sweeper.

Who even knew that World Sweeper Dot Com is "Earth’s Largest Power Sweeping Resource"? Folks, that's powerful medicine indeed. Let's take a look at one of the faces on street sweeping's Mt. Rushmore.

Charles B. Brooks Patented One of the First Self-Propelled Street Sweepers (World Sweeper)

A black man from Newark, New Jersey, Charles B. Brooks, invented the U.S.' first self-propelled street sweeper truck and patented it on March 17, 1896.

Yes, soon it will be street scamming (oops, I mean "sweeping") season again, so let's take a look at one strategy for fighting a citation.

Here's what I did to beat the "blocking street sweeper" citation scam. Why should anyone pay?

Below, you'll see the parking dispute form I filed, and the argument I used, which in essence is this.

When enforcement of ordinances is purposefully random, how can there be penalties against those cited randomly?

You'll notice that Shane Gibson, to whom this form was submitted, did not attempt to answer my question. City Hall is silent. Stop me if you've heard this one before.

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