Thursday, December 08, 2016

Lease now at Break Wind, get a free pass to break the city's traffic laws.

Photo credit: The Bookseller.

We already knew that Flaherty and Collins Properties received unprecedented sewer tap-in waivers, but we didn't know the Indy-based balsa rabbit hutch moguls also received permission to violate the city of New Albany's prevailing traffic laws.

Let's look more closely at the corner of East Spring and 6th.

It might help to diagram the play.

Do not enter ... unless you're ready to lease!

Tap-in waivers, traffic law waivers ... you know, if I were a betting man, I'd suggest that Flaherty and Collins won't be paying those $5 rental property registration fees, either.

And if they do, David "Bag Man" Duggins will convey them straight into the Gahan for State Senate account.

What do you think?

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