Monday, December 19, 2016

Bridge porn raincoating reaches thunderous orgasmic crescendo as preparedness for pass-through toll dodging remains nil.

Of course, the least imaginative east end bridge name possible was the final choice, and that's exactly what we've come to expect from brain-dead state ruling elites.

Not since Dagny Taggart swooned over Readen Metal has there been such breathless coverage of concrete and steel, though in terms of dreadful photo ops, it was Jeffersonville's turn to pull a short straw.

Actually, a can of multinational swill might be the ideal metaphor for the history and practice of the Ohio River Bridges Boondoggle, although it's doubtful Moore grasps this. Cheers, Mike. The campaign finance slush River Ridge spills in a shift dwarfs that produced in New Gahania.

Speaking of which, here's the view from the News and Tribune:

And here is the way Team Gahan saw it:

Toll dodging begins in just a few days, folks. For bridge opening coverage at the News and Tribune, go here.

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