Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Political cartoonists around the world are sharpening their pencils to illustrate something that can’t be explained in words: President-elect Donald Trump."

A picture's worth ... yeah, you know.

FUNNY, NOT FUNNY: This is how the world’s best cartoonists are reacting to Trump’s victory, by Manuel Rueda (Fusion)

With a mix of angry humor, barbed irony, and total disbelief, political cartoonists around the world are sharpening their pencils to illustrate something that can’t be explained in words: President-elect Donald Trump.

While some cartoonists are focusing on Trump’s misogyny, others are using their skills to highlight the racism and nativism that ran through his campaign. In most cases, the cartoonists are challenged to make the U.S. look more cartoonish than it’s become.

Many of today’s cartoons reflect a deep concern about the immediate future of a country that for centuries has been a beacon of democracy and freedom for those fleeing authoritarian regimes and economic chaos.

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