Thursday, October 13, 2016

Neither a Bonifer nor a Dickey be (at least po-lit-i-cal-ly): Ed Clere for State Representative.

The race has been oddly subdued to date, but Republican Ed Clere seeks his fifth term in the Indiana House of Representatives, and his Democratic challenger is Steve Bonifer, this year's inexperienced (and sacrificial) poster boy for the nepotistic instincts of Mayor Jeff Gahan, and the inability of Adam Dickey's DemoDixieDisneycrats to locate sound candidates for public office.

To make a long story short, I'm voting for Rep. Clere.

Do I agree with the entirety of Rep. Clere's voting record while serving in the House? Of course not, particularly as many of these votes pertain to the likes of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and its hegemonic agenda of chain- and corporate-centered economic thinking.

We've had our tussles, and probably will again, but at the end of the day we've been able to continue talking, which is more -- far, far more -- than can be said about Dickey's and Gahan's "agree or be censored" management regimes.

Ed Clere is intelligent and responsive. He has learned the legislative levers, wielded them to assist local people, and in bucking the theocratic wing of the GOP, pointed the way toward a saner Republican Party.

Clere versus Bonifer is as close to a no-brainer as we have on this fall's ballot, but there is important news for area teachers with short-term political aspirations, because on the morning of November 9, Dickey will begin the search for yet another educator to challenge Clere in 2018.

Mrs. Gahan, perhaps?

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