Saturday, September 10, 2016

The luxury dog park atop the burial ground will be open for defecation soon. Does anyone know why?

Elsewhere in the nation, Native Americans are leading the anti-pipeline fight on environmental grounds.

Things Are Getting Very Ugly Over a Pipeline in South Dakota. by Charles P. Pierce (Esquire)

 ... Things got very ugly out on the prairie over the last few days. (Unidentified security personnel with attack dogs. At least ol' Bull Connor wore a uniform.) The governor of North Dakota, Jack Dalrymple, already has the National Guard on alert. The Guard spokesperson said that the troops will not be at the protest site, but now it can legitimately be said that they're enforcing the order of a federal court.

That is often all the authority that they need.

Back here in New Albany, a Native American archaeological site has been transformed into a luxury dog park on electoral grounds, because how else can Jeff Gahan convince county voters to support his future State Senate bid if not gifting them with posh pretend-Democrat infrastructure?

New Albany dog park set to open, despite objections, by Chris Sutter (WDRB)

NEW ALBANY, Ind. (WDRB) -- The fences are up, the gazebos are in, and requirements and payment have been established.

By the start of October, New Albany pet lovers will have their first dog park.

"For your first pup it's $15, the next one's $10, the next one's $5 ," New Albany Mayor, Jeff Gahan said.

From the beginning, Tony Nava didn't think any of it should happen.

"Why do you want a bulldozer to come in and eradicate 6,000 years of history?" he told WDRB in March.

Tony, Tony.


It's because bulldozers and the campaign finance they leave in their wake, not unlike happy little rabbit pellets, make key Democrats in New Albany very, very happy. We covered the story extensively in spring as the fix locked firmly into place.

Dog daze: With Gahan back in the safe house, civilian architect Timperman now is the city's official spokesman.

Now it's September, and time for the breathless press release.

The New Albany Dog Park is set to open on October 1st, 2016! Memberships are now on sale through the New Albany Parks Department, NAFC Animal Shelter, and select Feeder's Supply locations. Read all about this off-leash paradise for the four-legged members of our families and how to get your membership here.

As is this blog's custom whenever possible, we reserve final comment space for our own Bluegill, who summarizes New Albany's sorrow in his usual succinct and accurate fashion.

The City of New Albany has done some really dumb stuff in the time I've lived here but a members only, pay-to-play "public" dog park out on the fringe of town with no walking route - built on Native American ceremonial grounds, no less - is among the dumbest. Three strikes with one pitch.

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