Saturday, August 20, 2016

Main Street median is spurned as John Rosenbarger's urn is burned on the return -- yet again.

Importantly, there were no injuries.

At around 9:00 p.m. tonight, a driver eastbound on Main where the beautification project begins rammed into the signature concrete Rosenbarger Ashtray, which was destroyed. The vehicle came to rest at the curb, where two cars previously have been totaled while parked after being struck by ricocheting cars, as NAC's correspondent believes this is the fifth such wreck since the median was installed.

For the record, here's what an effective road diet is supposed to look like. We're doing it now on Spring between Vincennes and Beharrell, and with much fanfare as to the safety benefits. We didn't do it on Main, where we substituted appearances for fundamentals.

There's a lesson somewhere therein, though it isn't clear whether there'll ever be sufficient municipal IQ to learn it.


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