Thursday, August 11, 2016

Henderson ethics, schMETHics: Matt Oakley challenges the Floyd County power duopoly. Matt Oakley loses. Turn the page.

On Tuesday evening, county government's entertainment cauldron threatened to approach full boil. It didn't, and the crisis of adulthood passed, but the squirming was chuckle-worthy.

Seems that council member Matt Oakley had announced his determination to shine a light on star prosecutor Keith Henderson's ethical lapses ...

Matt Oakley's assessment of the prosecutor's ethical breakdown doesn't stop with Keith Henderson.

 ... and precisely because other county government operatives were complicit in the containment effort, there was little chance Oakley's resolution would succeed, and it died for lack of a second from any one of the council's four Republicans (Oakley's probably a Maverick Independent by now) and two Democrats.

But of course it died. There is nothing a two-party power duopoly resents more than someone standing outside the fixed system of elites, peskily suggesting that those reposing within the circled wagons undertake the reform of themselves.

Trust me. I know this.

Even the nominal council "Democrats" were having none of it. Brad Striegel and Tom Pickett stared off zombie-eyed into the distance, and why not? Purported Democrats always have played a prominent role in county council's dysfunction, which may or may not be cured by an influx of hospital sale cash. Dixiecrat-wing (nut) heavies Ted Heavrin and Larry McAllister merrily pinched the feeding tube for decades, and were venerated by the self-styled urban Rockefeller "liberals."

On rare occasions one is covered with glory, but more often in dog poo. City council wouldn't police Dan Coffey, and county council will leave Henderson to his own devices, which we can only hope will be culminate in disbarment.

With those Baptist hospital proceeds burning holes in the pockets of all involved, who needs to be reminded about ethics?

Floyd County prosecutor won't have to pay back cash; Resolution asking Keith Henderson to repay legal fees fails, by Papa (Hanson Hole Puncher)

NEW ALBANY — A resolution demanding Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson pay back $27,539 in funds used for his legal fees died for a lack of a second Tuesday night at the Floyd County Council meeting.

Councilman Matt Oakley introduced the resolution. He said Henderson received two payments, for $10,000 and $17,539, for his own personal legal fees and those funds should be repaid.

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