Tuesday, August 09, 2016

C-J does the impossible by immediately hiring a new Indiana reporter. 320 days later, the News and Tribune can't say the same.

It fairly boggles the mind. The Courier-Journal has managed to hire a new Southern Indiana reporter in a matter of days.

Madeleine Winer hired as CJ Indiana reporter

Meanwhile in New Gahania, the Green Mouse has been told that the debut of CNHI Jeffersonville's 11-months-delayed New Albany beat reporter will be August 22.

If so, the duration of the gap will prove to have been an even eleven months, during which the paper's shrinking violet management has consistently hewed a passive-aggressive path as to the rationale for it negligence, claiming first that reporters are hard to find; second, that it has been the intention all along to hire last year's intern; third, it's in no way harmful to deprive an entire city of in-depth coverage during this length of time; and fourth, that they'll simply not discuss such matters publicly.

But what does Bill Hanson care? He lives in Sellersburg, right?

Iamhoosier said it best on Facebook.

The N and T has always tried to make us believe that they are our "local" paper.


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