Friday, July 01, 2016

Marohn: "Our words and actions are making it impossible for us to listen to each other. Not only does this hurt our communities, it is making us ripe for exploitation."

At times, the best course of action is cutting to the chase. However, you'll want to click through and read Marohn's views on the Brexit vote.

Listening is the ultimate two-way street, isn't it?

THE IGNORANT AND THE ELITES, by Charles Marohn (Strong Towns)

 ... I'm going to today end with this: I'm not going to argue with you in the comments section about whether the Brexit is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm not going to debate whether or not the people who voted Leave are ignorant or enlightened. I don't want to discuss the global ramifications of Brexit. None of these topics are important to building a Strong Town.

What is important, and it's the only reason I'm writing this piece, is that we're not listening to each other. Even worse, our words and actions are making it impossible for us to listen to each other. Not only does this hurt our communities, it is making us ripe for exploitation.

If you follow us here at Strong Towns, you know that things are going to get more difficult for America -- much more difficult -- before they get better. You can be left-of-center and be a Strong Towns advocate and you can be right-of-center and be a Strong Towns advocate. Your politics doesn't matter. What really matters is whether or not you listen.

We need a movement of people who can work with others. People who, in desperate times, facing a vast array of complex problems, can lead people to respond rationally. If you want to be one of those people -- and I hope you will -- join me in working on your listening skills.

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