Friday, June 10, 2016

It's been 257 days since New Albany had its own News and Tribune beat reporter. In other news, Bill Hanson has congratulated himself and hired an editor.

Shouldn't that be "leder"?

News and Tribune appoints new editor: Veteran newspaper executive Susan Duncan to lead newsroom

A new leader has been named to guide the News and Tribune’s editorial vision ...

Editorial vision?

Like cooking school and reality television analysis?

What is this, The Onion?

The remaining bits include quite a bit of self-congratulatory rhetoric about the great faith-based work Bill Hanson is doing to ignore New Albany. Meanwhile, the new editor doesn't appear to be on social media, which would serve the dual purpose of sparing us frequent statements of hipster cred, while affording her the time to hire a beat reporter for NA.

Shea Van Hoy bids farewell to the newspaper that has bid farewell to New Albany.

Hope springs eternal -- but CNHI remains the overlord.

Even greater chain localism, anyone?

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