Monday, April 25, 2016

Tomorrow at the Carnegie: "Base Ball in a River Town: New Albany."

I hate having to miss this one. After all, I named my keg box after NA's best-ever baseball player.

Now on the Jouett Meekin Memorial Keg Box ...

That's right. Billy Herman was second best.

Here's the lowdown.


New Albany celebrates 150 years of playing baseball this year (1866-2016).

Come find out how it all began in New Albany and who threw the first pitch. Meet some of the first players. See how the history of baseball in New Albany is intertwined with the history of New Albany itself.

Mr. Justin Endres will present the program entitled: "Base Ball in a River Town: New Albany." Mr. Endres is a local attorney and is President of New Albany Little League Softball and Vice President of New Albany Little League Baseball.

Program time is 7 PM in the Carnegie Center for Art & History, 201 E. Spring Street, New Albany.

Note the meeting is not at the library, but at the Carnegie Center at Bank and Spring Streets. Use the Bank Street entrance.

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