Friday, April 15, 2016

R.I.P. Suellen Wilkinson.

Suellen Wilkinson died last week, and her services will be held today.

Suellen's Story

This notice is belated because for once, I'm flummoxed in offering a coherent remembrance, apart from fond recollections of the stories she'd tell me about Wisconsin.

Our lives are short, but Suellen truly made the most of hers. A great, great lady. She'll be missed.


  1. I really wanted to go to the visitation today, but when it came time to go I just couldn't. I wanted to remember her as she was....the smell of her nicotine gum, the clip of her Wisconsin accent, her warm hugs, and that smile. Her warm, welcoming, midwest smile that never left her, even in the thick of her illness she greeted you with that smile. I will miss her.
