Thursday, March 17, 2016

Chuck Freiberger: Hospital sale non-transparency is bad, while Team Gahan non-transparency is ... THUMP THUMP -- is this thing on?

Sorry, Chuck.

As much as I agree with you that the hospital sale process has been dismally non-transparent as finagled by the GOP-dominated county apparatus, we've endured precisely the same non-transparent operating regimen by the city's Democratic regime.

Give me a goose/gander "fair's fair" non-transparency denunciation of Team Gahan, and I'll emit a concurrent roar.

Until then, it's back to the liquor cabinet and a fresh round of yawns.

Floyd Memorial Hospital sale process debated; Commissioners take non-binding vote on Baptist deal, by Chris Morris (Neues River Ridge)

NEW ALBANY — Tuesday night, it was the Floyd County Commissioners turn to take a non-binding vote to proceed with the sale of Floyd Memorial Hospital and Health Services to Baptist Healthcare System.

But unlike the Floyd County Council last week, it was far from unanimous.

Commissioners Steve Bush and Mark Seabrook, both Republicans, voted in favor to proceed with the deal while Democrat Chuck Freiberger voted against it, saying he does not have enough information on the sale and was not kept in the loop during negotiations.

The debate became quite spirited between the commissioners. Seabrook was a member of the task force that negotiated the deal.

"I heard there were 13 bidders, but I don't know who they are. I don't know what the bids were," Freiberger said. "Transparency is a problem. The hospital belongs to the taxpayers, the taxpayers paid for it. The taxpayers don't know who the bidders were. The public should have been told."

1 comment:

  1. My problem with transparency in this situation is not so much in the negotiation part but in the process that led up to even going into negotiations. Now, I'm waiting to see how much transparency and TIME is given to informing the public about the proposed agreement. It is unrealistic to expect a fully public negotiation. They had Dems and Pubs on the committee.
