Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday Heresy Quartet 3 of 4: A rally to celebrate the voting power of secular Americans.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, based in Madison, Wis., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational charity, is the nation's largest association of freethinkers (atheists, agnostics), and has been working since 1978 to keep religion and government separate.

Speaking only for myself, a trip to DC for the Reason Rally probably won't happen. However, if you're interested in a small celebration right here in New Albany to coincide with the Reason Rally, let me know. I'll even invite the mayor.

Reason Rally 2016 Showcases Power of Nonreligious Voters (Freedom From Religion Foundation)

Tens of thousands of people will gather at the Lincoln Memorial June 4, 2016, to show the world that reason, science, and freedom of belief are vital to Americans. Reason Rally 2016 is a celebration of fact-driven public policy, the value of critical thinking, and the voting power of secular Americans. The Freedom From Religion Foundation is co-sponsoring this event (view additional sponsors below).

"The goal of Reason Rally 2016 is to show the presence and power of the nonreligious voting bloc, and to put reason back at the forefront of our public and political discourse," said Lyz Liddell, executive director of Reason Rally 2016. "We want to excite and empower attendees about that message so they take it back home and apply it at the local and state levels" ...

 ... Also lending their support to Reason Rally 2016 as Minor Sponsors are:

American Ethical Union
Atheist Alliance of America
Black Nonbelievers, Inc
Camp Quest
Ex-Muslims of North America
Foundation Beyond Belief
Freethought Society
Hispanic American Freethinkers
Humanist Society
Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers
Recovering from Religion
Secular Student Alliance
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Sunday Assembly
Washington Area Secular Humanists

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