Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Secret City Hall memo revelation: Jeffersonville's "auto moratorium" is New Albany's golden ... shower.

January 26, 2016

Dear Mayor Gahan

Yo -- now HERE's what I've been talking about. 

Those eggheads over in Jeff must be reading Gillenwater's blog posts (not that I ever read, those things, I hope you know that) and they want to chase the auto businesses off 10th Street. 

Well, here it is, on a silver platter for us -- we're talking JOBS at auto parts stores and parking lots, all up and down Spring Street because heck, that's the first place they see crossing that creek from another county like I do every day, and I bet ol' smarty-pants Speck never even THOUGHT about us swooping in and stealing those JOBS from Mike Moore. 

Pillsbury, Schmillsbury -- and heck, they don't need fiber optic to warehouse school buses or sell you some car wax, do they? 

We need to get Redevelopment right on this, TIF out some big league incentives, and start leveling some of those so-called historic houses along Spring Street  -- that councilman's on payroll, right? Shit, we don't even need Coffey for this one.

I'll show 'em complete streets. I mean, WE will. 


D Duggins, Dog Park Coordinator 


They just write themselves, folks.

Jeffersonville City Council considers auto moratorium, by Elizabeth Beilman (Dutch Lane Plain Dealer)

JEFFERSONVILLE — With 10th Street revitalization in mind, the Jeffersonville City Council initiated the first steps in passing a six-month moratorium on all new and expanding automotive businesses throughout the city ...

 ... The ordinance states that "auto related uses are being expanded and new auto related uses are locating throughout the 10th Street corridor which are not consistent with the city's comprehensive plan ..."

The new planning and zoning director has said he would like 10th Street to attract more sit-down restaurants, entertainment businesses and other uses that would make the street a destination.

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