Sunday, December 13, 2015

Usual suspects AWOL as C-J community discussion considers topics that make local politicians uncomfortable.

Yesterday's C-J-sponsored "community discussion" at the Carnegie Center was well worth my time.

3 takeaways from the CJ's S. Ind. community event, by Lexy Gross

... It was clear that people who attended The Courier-Journal's community discussion at the Carnegie Center in New Albany truly care about the residents in the community. Speakers from the Carnegie Center, Jesus Cares at Exit 0 and Metro United Way hit on the region's needs and engaged in discussion. About 30 people attended the event.

My favorite moment? Easy.

Regrettably, nary a cog in the Gahan nomenklatura was on hand to offer a rebuttal.

Barbara Anderson from Haven House Services Inc. in Jeffersonville discussed poverty and the community's ability to address it in the future. She decried New Albany's plan to help build a luxury apartment complex, despite the need to address affordable and public housing in the city.

Still waiting for YOUR local Democratic Party to display a pulse as it pertains to homelessness, affordable housing, income inequality and other topics that make the mayor blush?

Don't hold your breath.

Ain't happening.

The Mighty Oz was re-elected, the Wunderkind was promoted, and the pretend-luxury can proceed with real corporate welfare subsidies ... and without the pesky distractions of the real world.

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