Monday, November 09, 2015

R.I.P. Günter Schabowski, the man who accidentally opened the Berlin Wall.

Make that 26, as of today.

From November 9, 2014: The Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago today.

It would have happened, anyway, but Günter Schabowski played a crucial role in bringing it down.

Obituary: Günter Schabowski ... One little word

Günter Schabowski, the man who accidentally opened the Berlin Wall, died on November 1st, aged 86.

For those interested in the whole story, this book is absolutely essential.

The Collapse: The Accidental Opening of the Berlin Wall, by Mary Elise Sarotte

... The events she describes are at times so unlikely and unfold so quickly that her plot would probably have been rejected in Tinseltown had she offered it during the cold war. It is only with hindsight that it all seems to make sense.

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