Tuesday, November 10, 2015

AAUGH: Gahan, Speck, gridlock, bridge tolls and timetables.

File under idle curiosity on a day when I clocked a few cars going 50 mph down Spring Street.

If one of the publicly stated purposes of the Speck downtown street network study was to prepare NA for tolling-induced gridlock ...

(it says so here)

 ... and if tolling is to begin by the end of 2016 ...

(as noted here)

 ... and if the need for monetization-friendly engineering studies from Indy-based consultants pushes back any conceivable progress toward street grid reform implementation a full 18 months from April, 2015, to somewhere around October of 2016 ...

(quoted right here)

 ... and if INDOT's published "letting" date for two-way street changes on Market and Spring from Vincennes to State does not occur until January, 2017 ...

(as originally revealed here, but let's have a nice pictorial, too)

Then tell us, exactly how is Team Gahan going to "prepare" New Albany for tolling by the time tolling actually starts?

Or, are we “prepared to take steps to avoid gridlock in our downtown,” only “where feasible"?

As we await an answer from the bunker where transparency goes to die, it may be a good idea not to hold our breaths.

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