Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Secrets that they keep: Team Gahan to be sued for non-transparency in county records request.

I'll never understand how the newspaper determines its photo accompaniment to articles like this. Floyd County's auditor (Scott Clark) and New Albany's controller (Linda Moeller) feature prominently, and the crux of the story is funding the animal shelter.

Consequently, the photo shows Matt Oakley, president of the county council, whose name appears one solitary time near the end. You'd think there'd be a file photo of a dog or cat.

Meanwhile, this move has been on the agenda for a while. The county pays its share of animal shelter upkeep to the city, which deposits the money and pays the bills. But the agreement as written is vague as to percentages of the tithe versus actual expenses, and there isn't a dedicated bank account. County money disappears into the city's general fund.

All Clark seems to be asking is to see the record of expenditures.

On the third floor, as ever, the wagons are circled. I was among those in favor of the parks department split, on the grounds of county non-support. However, doubts have long since crept into the narrative, and not only because of Team Gahan's TIF-fueled parks spending spree (entirely unmentioned during the 2011 mayoral campaign).

The county has a convincing case in the animal shelter funding imbroglio -- and Gahan's refusal to release information merely enhances it.

When does the arrogance stop?

Let's make a date for November 3, shall we?

Floyd County Council plans to file suit against New Albany, by Jerod Clapp (N and T)

FLOYD COUNTY — Following a determination from the state Public Access Counselor, the Floyd County Council plans to file suit against the city of New Albany today or Thursday for failure to provide financial information on their portion of funding the New Albany-Floyd County Animal Shelter.

1 comment:

  1. About time for gahan to be on the receiving end of a lawsuit since he likes to initiate lawsuits himself. Cheers to Floyd County!
