Saturday, October 31, 2015

Just imagine if we had a newspaper in New Albany (2): Dissecting PACs in Jeffersonville, not in New Albany.

There are numerous items of interest in the campaign finance reports submitted by Jeff Gahan, Kevin Zurschmiede and me.

Perhaps less so mine. To my knowledge, there are no "entity" donors, only individuals. I raised less than 10% of Zurschmiede's total. Gahan's up on me 45 - 1.

We did what we could with Gahan's report.

(Video) Show Me the Money: Gahan's campaign contributors ... or, how to buy and sell a city.

Just imagine ... better yet, to see how it might have been done, let's turn yet again to Jeffersonville, and something approximating election coverage.

Jeffersonville mayoral candidates using PAC donations ... Moore leads Julius in overall fundraising for top post, by Elizabeth Beilman (News and Tribune)

JEFFERSONVILLE — In addition to their campaign funds, Jeffersonville mayoral candidates Republican Mike Moore and Democrat Dennis Julius have benefited from political action committees this election cycle.

A PAC called Hoosiers for Jeffersonville donated a total of $100,000 to Moore's political committee, named I'm For Mike Moore, this year. The transfer leaves just $593 in the PAC's account.

Contributors to Hoosiers for Jeffersonville are almost exclusively engineers and architects, more than half employed by companies — or companies themselves — that have been contracted by the city under Moore's administration.

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