Saturday, October 31, 2015

Just imagine if we had a newspaper in New Albany (4): Mayoral propaganda questioned in Jeffersonville -- not New Albany.

There's a story just like this one waiting to be written, right here in New Albany. City Hall's conventional media touts, social media feeds, billboards ... the vast majority of these featuring the face of the incumbent mayor in an election year.

I've written about Jeff Gahan's bizarre cult of personality.But perhaps more importantly, who's paying -- candidate Gahan or the taxpayers?

And who's peeling back the layers?

Journalism, anyone?

New Albany deserves some every now and then.

Is Jeffersonville newsletter informative or simply a timely political publication? ... Moore: 'Progress' updates on city projects; Commissioner: It's an ad, by Elizabeth Beilman (News and Tribune)

JEFFERSONVILLE — Jeffersonville Redevelopment Commissioner Marty Chalfant says the newsletter the department released last week uses taxpayer dollars to double as campaign material for Mayor Mike Moore.

The newsletter, called Progress, is an eight-page glossy publication with articles and accompanying photographs detailing recent projects that the redevelopment commission has championed — and some that it's had minimal involvement in. One article contains two factual inaccuracies.

"I am not running for public office, nor trying to keep a job," Chalfant wrote in an email to the News and Tribune. "I am a lifelong Republican who is upset that my name is attached to a false political ad without my knowledge or consent, and that redevelopment commission dollars are being used to fund political ads."

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