Friday, October 16, 2015

Gahan taking notes as "Landmarks Commission denies petition to grant historic status to Water Company building."

Louisville's money-fluffing greaseball Ed Glasscock is one of the single most unctuous fucks I've ever encountered on the local scene.

Another purely "negative" report on Thursday's Bridges Unauthority meeting.

From yesterday's Landmarks Commission meeting (link below):

Speaking against the petition was local attorney Ed Glasscock, who said the current building “is simply out of place at this site, and to force it to remain in the middle of the Omni Hotel development is indefensible.” Glasscock said such a move would “waste a golden opportunity to substantially advance our city,” adding the hotel would create jobs, “attract upscale tourists to our bourbon capital,” and add a “top-level grocery.”

Glasscock added that “it’s unfortunate that a few citizens feel that they can dictate what Louisville’s downtown should be.”

Quoting a comment at IL: "That was intended as irony, right?"

More to the point:

Responding to the criticism of her petition, (Martina) Kunnecke condemned the Fischer administration — and those preceding it — for abandoning preservation and the needs of downtown residents, and only serving the interests of high-end tourists.

“Unfortunately, we have been held captive by not one, but two administrations that don’t necessarily speak the truth on (historic preservation) matters, or at least their actions bely their words,” said Kunnecke. “Our agenda is to stop placating backroom deals. Our agenda is to really honor our history and our heritage, and help our community recognize that we go beyond bourbon. We have fabulous history in this community, and we keep tearing down every vestige of it.”

Just remember: Jeff Gahan venerates ... adores ... idolizes Greg Fischer. Did you really think Gahan is clever enough to conjure his demolition-first template from thin air?

If so, Jeff has some corporate welfare -laced Reaganomics to sell you.

Landmarks Commission denies petition to grant historic status to Water Company building, paving way for full demolition of Omni Hotel block, by Joe Sonka (Insider Louisville)

By a vote of 6 to 3 on Thursday, the Metro Historic Landmarks and Preservation Districts Commission rejected a petition to designate the 105-year old former headquarters of the Louisville Water Company as a local historic landmark, widely seen as the last potential roadblock to a full demolition of the downtown block where the proposed $289 million Omni Hotel project would stand.

The petition with over 200 signatures was filed at the last minute in September by Martina Kunnecke of the group Neighborhood Planning and Preservation, to the chagrin of officials in Mayor Greg Fischer’s administration, who say they plan to dismantle and store the facade of the Colonial Revival-style building. Preservationists had wanted at least the facade of the building incorporated into the Omni project, but the developers rejected that idea, noting that Omni’s contract with the city required that all structures on the block be cleared.

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