Thursday, September 17, 2015

The last time New Albany updated its master plan, Bill Clinton was President.

The city of Jeffersonville has released an updated comprehensive plan, noting an urgency borne of a whole eight years having passed since the previous update in 2007.

In New Albany, the last comprehensive plan was wrapped in 1999.

That's a whopping 16 years ago.

It's not casual reading ... just necessary.

2035 Comprehensive Plan

The responsibility of public officials to adopt a Comprehensive Plan for Jeffersonville rests on the need to balance economic growth while putting into place policies that will provide for orderly development in a manner that will not be detrimental to the area’s environment and
its neighborhoods.

This Comprehensive Plan explains the vision and goals, identifies various strategies needed to accomplish each goal, outlines the research and analysis of demographic and economic characteristic of Jeffersonville, and documents the pubic participation process.

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