Wednesday, September 16, 2015

If the ORBP is bringing "$87 billion into the region over the next 30 years," then why are we paying tolls to use them?

One is compelled to be fair, and so I must recognize this article for capturing some of the most stirring examples of Usual Suspects Boondoggle Speak yet recorded.

I'll merely note that auto-centrism is cancer, and leave it at that.

Ohio River bridges hailed as economic leader in infrastructure projects, by Elizabeth Beilman (News and Tribune)

... United States Deputy Secretary of Transportation Victor Mendez on Tuesday called the Ohio River Bridges Project a "perfect example of what is needed throughout this country."

" ... At the end of the day, we all go home, and we go home to our community," Mendez said at a news conference at Waterfront Park in Louisville. "And that's what this [project] is all about — improving our communities from an economic standpoint and really just from a quality of life standpoint."

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