Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Birdseye, here we come: Is Vincennes Street to be the next victim of non-Speck "beautification"?

The Green Mouse called the phone number, which is posted on what used to be Tommy Lancaster's Restaurant on Market Street, near Vincennes, and was told the city of New Albany has a contract for the building.

Previously, people in the neighborhood told the Green Mouse that realtor Mike Kopp was working on a plan to buy property behind the Lancaster's location, perhaps including the adjacent Market Boy. The word used was "retail," which the Green Mouse suggests we might pronounce as "suburban strip mall chain dreck."

But there's even more.

The Green Mouse passes along yet another rumor heard out on the mean streets: The city wants to "beautify" Vincennes in precisely the same utterly misguided fashion as Main Street, entirely ignoring the street design proposals made by reigning universal expert Jeff Speck in his study, and doing so all the way from Main to New Albany High School.

It's hard for me to say this, but we must be realistic in the face of these vandals: If the fate of Jeff Speck's downtown street network proposals is for them to be systematically stripped of design significance and Gahanized into unrecognizable mush -- gutted, Dugginsed, shrouded in non-transparent secrecy and timidly implemented piecemeal over a period of years -- then it might be preferable to do nothing at all, and hope we can start all over in 2019.

However, there is one mayoral candidate committed to doing it correctly ...

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