Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Baylor for Mayor: Consider walking with me in the Harvest Homecoming Parade.

The Baylor for Mayor campaign officially has been entered into the Harvest Homecoming Parade, which takes place on Saturday, October 3.

I have an e-mail reply to prove it.

The parade organizers have agreed to allow us to walk the parade. We also can have bicycles with us, which would be a good thing, although the parade's customarily languid pace might preclude them be mounted and propelled.

What better way to celebrate this year's "hot rod" theme than openly reject auto-centrism by walking the parade? It's so very appropriate a response.

It took patience and cajoling. There are rules governing political candidates, including the stipulation that elected officials only can ride in convertibles, and all others must occupy space on the floats entered by their political parties.

I pointed out to them that I'm neither elected nor a party member, and that a key element of my platform encourages walkability. As such, riding atop a vehicle would be useless. To their credit, they came around.

You are welcome to walk with me. I'd love to have a few cyclists along to help make the point about street safety for all users, not just their cars. Kids are welcome. Note that the parade is all-weather, and let's have fun and show that there are alternatives to the same old same old.

After we're finished, there'll be this for refueling:

The New Albany Restaurant & Bar Association presents Biers on Parade, at the Farmers Market on Saturday, October 3.

Note also the full schedule, beginning with Indie Fest.

Sept. 27: New Albany Indie Fest
Sept. 28 – Oct. 3: New Albany Independent Restaurant Week
Oct. 3: Biers on Parade at the New Albany Farmers Market
Oct. 3: Harvest Homecoming Parade
Oct. 8 – Oct. 11: Harvest Homecoming Booth Days


  1. Maybe someone can pitch this idea to the city of New Albany, it's progressive and helps everyone in the community. However, it's not going to make any money for anyone so it maybe difficult to hatch for people who really like money.

    Why not have space for cyclist to repair their bikes in the town? People could donate old bikes or bike parts to this space and in return the members of this space could use them to repair or obtain a bicycle. Say it's $10 to join, and all membership fees goes into buying new chains and tubes? If someone was proactive they could find old used parts, perhaps some basic tools, then maybe convince the city to let them use...say the old church they bought and have done nothing with. Maybe you could get a coffee machine and someone could buy doughnuts and every Saturday between 3-6pm people could come and fix their bicycle and hangout? So, instead of telling people "hey! ride your bike!" develop an actual space that promotes riding your bikes in an easy way. I think lots of people have old bikes in their garage that needs some fixing. Maybe the city could donate some money, it wouldn't take much to get it off the ground.

  2. I think it's a fine idea.

    Did you notice that now the developers of the Coyle site say there'll be a bike repair shop for the luxury tenants?

  3. No, I didn't hear that. I do no think a place to fix bicycles as a member would affect bicycle shops, some people will still buy expensive bicycles and need specific parts for them. This idea would encompass more people who just want to ride a bicycle, not just for fun (they're welcomed also) but more people who view cycling from a utilitarian standpoint. I'm sure there is nothing like this in Louisville, so maybe we could be more progressive then people across the river. They do have them in N.Y.C, S.F.,Berlin etc.

  4. Actually, there is one in Louisville, Falls City Community BikeWorks. http://www.fccbikeworks.org/

    New Albany could use one, too, though.

  5. How to spot Gahan in the parade: The candidate with a bag over his head in an HH approved convertible while his sidekick sings Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
