Saturday, August 08, 2015

Urban design promotes walkability, which reinforces urban design.

As yet, there is no indication that Jeff Gahan is serious about the prospects for a "walkable" New Albany, because if the notion carried any weight with him, City Hall would be leading a campaign to educate in preparation for a change in consciousness.

Instead, we're pandering to the usual vested interests, and panhandling for campaign cash.

In this City Lab article by Laura Bliss, two key components are identified that contribute to walkability in smaller cities like ours: Transparency (windows, not walls) and Imageability (unique visual identity).

designers-can-get-smaller-cities-walking/399545/">How Urban Designers Can Get Smaller Cities Walking: A new study identifies two important street features that draw pedestrians—outside of New York City.

Using similar methodology as in the New York study, the researchers spent 30 minutes counting walkers on 179 blocks in downtown Salt Lake City. Out of five broad categories of design features, they found that two had statistically significant relationships to the number of people on foot.

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