Thursday, August 13, 2015

An arts commission in NA is a good idea, but we'll need to keep it out of Kim Jong-jeff's hands.

If we're to look in the dictionary under "safe bets," here's what is says:

"Chris Morris didn't write this editorial."

Whomever did (my guess is Thomas), a few reminders are in order.

New Albany formed a Human Rights Commission, allowed all politicians involved to collate bragging rights, and has kept the HRC on the blocks in the garage ever since. It was all for show.

The same goes for the Ethics Commission, which in effect was stillborn. If we actually had an Ethics Commission, it would have administered a half nelson legsweep to Dan Coffey after both mayor and council failed to address the Wizard of Westside's homophobic slurs.

There's no reason to believe an Arts Commission would be any different.

If there is any one consistent theme through the four years of Jeff Gahan's sole term in office, it's that his City Hall must be the driving force, the leading element, and the guiding light. Everything emanates from the Dear Leader in City Hall, which is why the street piano was such a debacle.

Having an arts commission is a fine idea, but it had best wait until New Albany has a different mayor. The whole notion of public art is from the grassroots up. Gahan is about the top, down ... and the down, low.

OUR OPINION: New Albany should form an arts commission

 ... The board of works had some legitimate questions surrounding the placement of the piano, mainly concerning liability. Once that was cleared up, along with a few other concerns, the board gave its blessing, but the process from genesis to realization took far too long.

Meanwhile, in Jeffersonville, public art is popping up seemingly everywhere — from downtown mural photographs to decorative bike racks to the “Jeff” running man installation along 10th Street ...

 ... So, one Southern Indiana city is awash in eye-catching public art pieces while another, just miles away, is viewed by some as art-unfriendly ...

... But why is that? There’s one distinct artistic difference in the two communities — Jeffersonville has a vibrant public arts commission.

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