Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Houndmouth is from New Albany; the band is on the verge; and it has a beer named after it.

Photo credit: USA Today.

A quick recommendation to Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, who likes to claim Houndmouth as his city's own: Read the paragraph below.

NA was there first, chum. Get over it.

Shane, if you're reading: Thanks for mentioning Houndmouth Ale.

As you were.
On the Verge: Houndmouth

This week in On the Verge, USA TODAY's spotlight on breakthrough artists, Brian Mansfield talks to Indiana band Houndmouth.

From New Albany to Sedona. Back before Houndmouth had a hit record, or even a name, the group recorded demos at a band member's house under less than ideal circumstances. "There were these two dogs that were always too loud, and they would bleed into the mics," says drummer Shane Cody. When one member complained of hearing "too much hound mouth," they knew they had a name. Now, the rootsy indie-rock group from New Albany, Ind., also has a hit record: Sedona recently topped USA TODAY's airplay chart and is now making an impact on Alternative stations.

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