Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Mount Tone Deaf just doesn't have the same ring, does it?

It's simple, If the Democratic Party and Mayor Jeff Gahan can't step outside their soulless political machines (and bunkers) to disavow Dan Coffey's homophobia and bigotry, then they're endorsing Coffey's behavior.


  1. Roger,
    We all know good and well he will receive no backlash, admonishment, or public chiding by anyone in the city government. He never has, and never will.

  2. I know that's the probable outcome. What's not different is that I'll continue to shine a light on it, insofar as I'm able. What IS different is that there'll be a truer Democrat running for mayor as an independent. Those Democrats disgusted with Coffey and his coddling will at least have a way to register their displeasure.

    That's different.

  3. you sure that isn't moses and his disciples coming down from the Mount to deliver New Albany from its oppression?

  4. Gahan and Dickey are too gutless to publicly rebuke Coffey. Come November they will wish they had. Bye Bye Doughboy

  5. So, across the river a county attorney, in a letter from his private practice called a family a group of greedy foreigners; already he has been publicly admonished and ordered to take sensitivity training. Here, not a single peep from anyone.
    Where I work if such statements were made that person would have more than likely been fired and not eligible for rehire in any branch or division again.
