Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Turn off the mainstream news and talk shows and search for alternative media. Read!"

The author is a tad excitable, though largely spot on. The problem locally is a paucity of independent candidates. On Sunday during Boomtown, two ranking Republicans asked me if I'd had any luck finding an independent candidate to run against Dan Coffey.

No, I said, but what about the GOP?

"A Republican can't beat him."

Perhaps the 1st can be dissolved, and the 2nd annex it.

Wait -- strike that ...

An English Lesson: ‘Never Give a Sucker …’, by Philip Farruggio (Nation of Change)

... This writer has made a determination to never support any candidate who runs as a Democrat. Of course, I never have or ever will support the wolves from the other side of the aisle. If it means leaving many blanks in my ballot, so be it. No, the time has come to vote for independent candidates who share our core values on key issues, not for the proverbial ‘ lesser of two evils ‘.

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