Thursday, May 14, 2015

Just Put It On My TIF Tab, Waiter: The Top 10 Jeff Gahan Project List for a Triumphant Second Term.

Gilligan’s Island Theme Park and Tiki Bar at the Loop Island Wetlands – I mean, millennials just love the Skipper, right? I sure do.

Wait -- these floors have eyes, so we need to hire a few Navajos code talkers to encrypt this list.

A big city-wide U-Haul gift card giveaway, but see, we rig it so Duggins wins, and then maybe he’ll move to New Albany and vote for me.

Eternal Kool-Aid tap at the "Mayor Jeff Gahan Presents the Aquatics Center" – we can have the Square thingy go straight to the Democratic Party account, right Shane?

Finally, a meaningful public art project: Put big colorful pictures of me on buildings just like that Korean fellow does.

Next week, Gonder’s house becomes the new homeless shelter –that’ll show him who makes the rules around here … right, Adam?

Go ahead and put in a line item somewhere for that Torquemada costume Coffey wants so bad. Maybe he’ll stop being such a baby.

Who needs Houndmouth! Let’s get Spinal Tap to headline Boomtown next time. "Don't Stop Believing" is my favorite song, ever.

Don’t forget to let the lady of the house approve this list before you hit “send”, or I’ll never hear the end of it ... right, Connie?

Free sewer tap-ins for anyone who “likes” Gahan for Mayor on Facebook!!!!!!!

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