Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"'Gay, dyslexic ex-alcoholic' Ivan Massow launches London mayor campaign."

It may appear to be just another crazy story from the big city, and one absent relevance to li'l ol' Nawbany, but there's a crucial aspect of Ivan Massow's candidacy.

He's a Tory ... meaning he's a conservative.

Verily, we're not in 'Bama any more ...

'Gay, dyslexic ex-alcoholic' Ivan Massow launches London mayor campaign, by Aisha Gani (The Guardian)

The Tory-supporting businessman Ivan Massow has launched his bid to become the next mayor of London with a candid YouTube video in which he introduces himself as “gay, ex-alcoholic and dyslexic”.

Massow, 47, said the 70-second pop art-style animated video gave an “honest warts-and-all” portrayal of him.

His voiceover begins: “I’m Ivan and I want to be your mayor of London.” He adds: “I’m gay, I’m an ex-alcoholic, I’m dyslexic, I’m adopted, I’m an activist, I’m a businessman, I’m a disruptor, I’m a doer. I’m not your typical ‘politician’ politician” – at which point the cartoon turns grey.

He says he is “someone who takes the tube, someone who hates sitting in traffic, someone who hates red tape, someone who hates politics as normal.”

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