Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New Albany's new slogan: "Truck Through City" ... Part 80: It's our weekly melted sing-along with the Bored of Works.

As Warren Naps, this week's question for the Bored comes from reader K, via Facebook.

Dear City of New Albany,

I just watched one of your ambulances hurrying, with lights on, down Old Ford Rd. They had to turn around because it is flooded at Armstrong Bend. Some signage at Slate Run Rd and Charlestown Rd would facilitate emergency services and also eliminate the frustrated drivers from having to turn around in my driveway while they try to utilize my residential street as a convenient short cut. Roger, do you know who to tag? Thanks. This will probably last a few weeks. The city put up barricades and high water signs close to the hazard. They ought to notify others before they go half a mile down the road ...

Just when I think I've heard it all, K, but you know how it works (or not) here in Na Na Land. However, based on the board's recent reaction to snow and sidewalks ...

... it's my guess that Warren and the Board of Works will locate a non-existent ordinance and say it's YOUR responsibility to notify drivers of detours. Please purchase the signs locally.

Meanwhile, there are trucks.

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