Sunday, March 22, 2015

Keith Henderson and the county's chronic poverty.

Let's begin by turning back the partisan political clock, and PJ Moore's letter to the napping newspaper.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013: Charting the "false narrative" of the Floyd County Commissioners.

... I personally witnessed at least three of the auditor’s fiscal misadventures during 2012 alone — his literal rubber-stamping of prosecutor Keith Henderson’s use of almost $28,000 for his personal legal fees; his botching of the entire county’s 2012 spring allotment from the state Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF); and his faulty advice to the commissioners to donate the county’s entire Humana insurance premium refund of almost $700,000 to county employees instead of returning it to the proper account (which they were inclined to do until several residents raised public objections).

Only in the Henderson matter did a commissioner, Chuck Freiberger, question the auditor’s incorrect advice and seek the return of the misspent funds.

Now the case has made its way to Indianapolis. Which of the probabilities are stronger, that the University of Kentucky will win this year's NCAA basketball tournament, or that Papa Morris already has written the column defending Henderson?

Possible punishment detailed for Floyd County prosecutor, by Jerod Clapp (N and T)

INDIANAPOLIS — Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson could have his law license permanently revoked, following accusations of professional misconduct by an Indiana Supreme Court disciplinary board.

The board claims Henderson was “deceitful,” “dishonest” and “fraudulent” to Floyd County officials who approved nearly $30,000 of county tax dollars in 2011 and 2012 to pay his legal fees following ethics complaints after Henderson agreed to write a book related to the David Camm case during an appeal of Camm’s second trial.

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