Sunday, February 08, 2015

The last Hungarian puszta farmers.

Photo credit: The Guardian

I'm a perennial sucker for the elegiac.

The photos were taken around the same time that I visited Hungary in the late 1980s, during a time that proved to be the dying days of Hungarian communism. The brothers' lives out on the Puszta appear to have been completely removed from the geopolitical realm. Did greasy functionaries ever visit, or were they completely off the grid?

As for the Puszta itself, Hungary's "great plain" is explained here: Hortobágy National Park - the Puszta.

It's a twin thing: the identical brother farmers from Hungary – in pictures (The Guardian)

Miles from the nearest road on the great plains of Hungary, the Papp Lukács brothers lived off the vegetables they grew and the animals they reared. Their way of life was hardly touched by modernity – though they did own a radio, and rode mopeds to market. Over several seasons in the 1980s, photographer János Stekovics made a fascinating record of their rural lives, which is now a book

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