Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Are we TIF enough? New study shows that TIFs are "popular but ineffective economic development tools."

But pools ... he didn't say a single word about pools and parks, just factories ... c'mon, tell 'em, Adam ... what was that about Pillsbury ... where's David? DAVID ...

Study: TIFs Have 'Little' Impact, by Dan McGowan (

MUNCIE, Ind. (January 29, 2015) - Tax increment financing (TIF) is a popular but ineffective economic development tool for Hoosier communities, and it needs more stringent state oversight, says a new policy brief from Ball State University.

"Some Economic Effects of Tax Increment Financing in Indiana," an analysis of TIF districts in Indiana counties by Ball State's Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER), found that TIFs are associated with less employment, less taxable income and slightly higher tax rates.


  1. Yes that article nails it, TIFs will eventually lead to a bankrupt city, same as tax abatements. Gahan is just another example of a worn out old recording on economic development except in his illustrious legacy he is trying to bake a $7 million dollar crescent roll and throw in a poll and a park. Well at least as the city goes bankrupt you can go for a relaxing swim and chow down on some pastries.

  2. If you've saved $ 10 for your single city swimming pool ticket...
