Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Albany's new slogan: "Truck Through City" ... Part 71: Neighborhood "quality of life," 80,000 lbs at a time.

This baby was flying.

It's amazing how they can block whole houses. It's more amazing that City Hall still insists there is no truck-through issue worth conceding.

Lots of Fast Tracks coming past lately. I'd guess average speeds are around 45 mph.

Of course, the 13th Tiger Trucking Cut Through Street is heavily traveled. Tiger used to go racing past the house full throttle. Now, we can hear three gear shifts as the trucks pull onto Spring from 13th. Jeff Gahan seems to think this approximates quality of life. Perhaps that's why he diverted these monsters from Main Street, where property values need enhancing -- and who cares about the cost to the rest of us?

How many normal car lengths is that?

Great place to ride a bike, isn't it Mr. Rosenbarger?

1 comment:

  1. Those trucks are planning the move for the outgoing Gahan regime. Give them a break Roger, they have to get in some practice before the big day.
