Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mayoral candidacy announcements and scenic vistas.

How about here?

David White (D R)chose the Scribner House.

Kevin Zurschmiede (R) opted for a backdrop of the City-County Building.

Jeff Gahan (BR549) used the Culbertson Mansion.

Predictable yawners all, and while I haven't decided exactly when to announce my candidacy for mayor, it's never too early to consider the symbolic properties of scenic vistas. In true stream of consciousness style, here are ten places that spring to mind.

  • In front of Pillsbury.
  • By an independent small business downtown. 
  • The middle of Spring Street (Warren Naps surely would approve lane closings on behalf of the Bored of Works).
  • (Outside) the spa on the corner of Pearl and Main.
  • The Riverfront Amphitheater.
  • Houndmouth's living room. 
  • Bank Street Brewhouse (inside the brewery).
  • Vacant lot at 922 Culbertson.
  • Sewage treatment plant.
  • Colonial Manor shopping center.

What do you think? I can't entirely "open/crowd source" a campaign with reference to ideas, but at the same time, the grassroots are all about creative responses to politics as usual.

1 comment:

  1. Community Park since gahan was so petty to break the city away from the combined city/county Parks Departmnet.
