Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Drinking Progressively is OFF for tonight (Tuesday, January 27). Back next week.

It's been quite instructive so far, but I'm giving Drinking Progressively the night off. I must be at BSB for a few minutes at 6 to meet a client, but I won't be staying long. It's a busy week for me, with much to tend to before Winterfest in Indianapolis this weekend.

AND there's a special city council meeting tonight to hear the city's Pillsbury proposal. You may even get to see the mayor in person at a council meeting for the second (gasp) straight week, equaling the three-year total. Is it live, or is it the hologram?

AND on Thursday night, there's the first Speck street network meeting at the library. Be there, be heard. Streets need revamping now, not later.

AND on Friday night, you can attend the re-enthronement fashion show ad hear 11 reasons why reading comprehension eludes the Gahan team. The Old Gahanians chose the Culbertson Mansion on Main Street because it's the only place downtown they could find for a photo-op without block-long semi rigs thundering past to shake their cameras. Anyway, the noise would drown out the merry clinking of their long-necked swill.

By then, we MIGHT have a declared Republican candidate for mayor. Now all the GOP needs is a coherent massage.


  1. I keep telling you, it's animatronics not holograms.

  2. you can bet Dough Boy Gahan will be there so he can get political mileage out of his corporate welfare meaningless Pillsbury Fund Hail Mary. I hope Kevin Z stands on some principle and votes no on this BS resolution.

    Where is David White on this lunacy?

  3. Kevin voted no along with Greg Phipps.

    Of course the Mayor was there. Election year and 4 TV cameras present. Damn shame he couldn't be bothered to show up more than a couple of times in the past 3 years.

    Full disclosure. I supported and financially contributed to his last campaign. Father, forgive me for I have sinned...

  4. IAH, say four Hail Caesars or Rosenbargers, genuflect to the boat and buy a case of Pillsbury orange danish and then bake them in the heat generated by the semis on Spring Street. Go and sin no more.

  5. better make that a green Danish, the color of money. Of course all you need to do is half bake them since it's all about looking good not actually doing your job to create jobs by investing in local businesses and risk takers. Gahan needs to go back to selling Christmas trees.

  6. As the director of the Culbertson Mansion, I did want to chime in and say that as a State Historic Site, we offer rental facilities for many special events, as seen with Mayor Gahan's. However, we do consider ourselves kind of like a "homebase," free from political alignment. Rather, we cheerfully advertise ourselves as a space where ALL candidates from ALL parties have the opportunity to gather with the community. We would even like to get the mayoral candidates to the Mansion this Spring, allowing the local constituency to meet & greet each candidate before placing their vote - especially in a space that tries to foster fellowship & citizenship in the best regard.
    We encourage all of you to consider the Culbertson Mansion when planning your events, and although I by no means want this comment to be an advertisement for house, I did want to reiterate our commitment to New Albany as a community resource. As always, thank you for the opportunity to discuss these issues! Understanding only comes from intelligent discourse, yes?
    With respect,
    Jessica Stavros

  7. eat more cinnamon rolls
