Thursday, January 08, 2015

DNA asks: Would you rather have bagels or two-way streets?

Would you rather have your bagels in the parking garage, or at the farmers market? Verily, there comes a time when satire is overwhelmed by the earnestness of mediocrity.

By the way, here is DNA's latest poll.


2015 DOWNTOWN WISH LIST: Tell us what is on your wish list for Downtown New Albany in 2015!

Vegan / vegetarian restaurants
Bagel Shop
Bicycle Shop/Store for Running & Fitness Items
Two Way Street Conversions
New Bicycle Racks & Benches
Creative Crosswalks
Dedicated Bicycle Lanes
would have more local small
Repaint center lines on downtown streets
Sherman Minton bridge desperately needs to be cleaned (curb)
Tear out the island sticking out from curbs on State Street.

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