Thursday, January 15, 2015

Although he isn't dead yet, Morris eulogizes England.

Just the last four or so lines of dialogue are key to the Python skit, eh?

As the reporter Suddeath informed us earlier in the week, Doug England is heading south, and New Albany can have posterity now.

Chris Morris follows up with an example of his favored "lionize my elders irrespective of historical fact" essays, because that's what he does best.

Perhaps Papa can more fully explain how gambling boat referenda held in 1993 and 1999 were issues in England's 1999 debacle against Regina Overton. I'm not sure why we even have newspapers if theire function is to stand idly to the side as Hizzoner rewrites history, but don't worry. At least we still have blogs.

 ... He loved New Albany and wanted to see it prosper and grow. Maybe that is why he based his campaign in 1999 on getting a referendum passed to allow Caesars riverboat casino to locate in New Albany.

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